TSF aspires to unite Iranians worldwide through education and its platform to promote secular democracy, social justice and equality in Iran to make a lasting impact by:
1. Communicating a vision of Iran based on what unites us (our common beliefs & values) and warn against the consequences of dis-unity that would prolong IR staying in power as well as the dangers of civil war, separatism, and attacks from outside
2. Educating and promoting our community members & Iranians on different forms of democracy that is underpinned by the tenets of Zan.Zendegi.Azadi through creating a library of educational materials and by sponsoring, participating and facilitating live events regarding the democratic process
3. Building diverse communities of unity champions, advocates and coaches who will promote unity and intervene in discussions between warring groups on social media or other forums through facilitating constructive dialogs
4. Partnering with community enablers and network-weavers to orchestrate initiatives, share or obtain content to exponentially scale our platform to spread unity
TSF is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization made up of volunteers with professional careers who love Iran and all Iranians and have no intention to profit from this foundation financially nor politically.
TSF is not affiliated with any political organization inside or outside Iran nor with any political prisoners and their families and its efforts will be focused on building unity inside and outside Iran through grassroot efforts, one individual, one community, one city at a time, one Iran through education, our unity champions, community enablers, and supporters. Our circle of unity will grow exponentially and be inclusive of all Iranians.
Life is Resistance.
TSF - All Rights Reserved.
TSF - All Rights Reserved.
This is an unedited version. We will publish a shorter version shortly.
The Crucial Role of Civil Society & Diaspora.
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Copyright © 2024 Toomaj Salehi Foundation (501(c)(3)) EIN 92-3540108 - All Rights Reserved.